
Community Observations - Barrington Street

Barrington Street welcomes tourists to Halifax, it is our Main Street. However, most Haligonians would agree that the street is not living up to its potential. In addition to the many ideas brought forth by the community, dedicated municipal and provincial interest in the street is needed to improve the situation.

The needs of the community are often considered in the development of the urban landscape, at least on some level. Traditional approaches to understanding these needs include public forums, focus groups, surveys, etc. But how do we gauge the level or quality of response from the from the community via these methods? It is difficult to know with any certainty the ways in which people are influenced by their environment or their peers. Some may thrive in an open forum, giving a lot of feedback, while others may have much to say, but contribute very little due to an apprehension to speak out amongst their peers.

This community board was posted on Barrington street in the downtown core of Halifax. The 'homemade' quality of the board suggests that it was put there by a citizen or perhaps it is a school initiative. Regardless of where it came from, it is interesting in that it is an anonymous forum for citizens to post. Although the majority of the board is covered with graffiti and scribble, the object itself is used by the community. As an anonymous forum, this probe may offer potential for people to give their honest opinions free of outside influence.

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